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Loving Yourself…

I decided to write a blog about a subject I feel very passionate about (no pun intended)- love.  Love has many definitions but I think we can all agree that it is a very significant emotion that has been and continues to be sought after and held on to.  Love for many has been illusive as the wind.  Some people have tips to keep the spice of love in a relationship or tips for loving one’s self.

Love is the key.  It begins with the self and trickles down to every aspect of who we are and what we do.  It is an emotion that can captivate and hold us prisoners unto itself. In order to love another we must first truly learn to love ourselves.  Loving ourself is an evolutionary, ongoing process that does not happen overnight.  It is a journey of self-discovery and inner reflection.  Many times we allow the world to tell us what is and is not appropriate to love about ourselves.  The truth lies in understanding that the person we are we became over time.  It is our life’s experinces and our environment that has dictated how we feel about ourselves.  It is most appropriate to realize that there are going to be things that we like and dislike about ourselves, but these things do not have to determine the level of love we feel for ourselves.  Love for self is not to be confused with vanity.  It is simply the accepting of who we are and having the courage to continue to work on ourselves in order to be the people we truly want to be.  As I said before, “it is a process”, but once we have laid a foundation of love for ourselves we are on the track to being able to love another.

Love is the key…